
MindOS offers different subscription tiers to suit your needs, ranging from the free plan to paid plans that come with additional benefits.

Overview of Each Subscription Plan:

Free Starter Plan

  • Powered by GPT-3.5

  • 100 MindOS credits per month.

  • Max. 5 Minds

  • Moderate knowledge capacity

Standard Plan

  • Powered by GPT-3.5

  • 2,000 MindOS credits per month.

  • Max. 10 Minds

  • Publishable on Marketplace

  • Vast knowledge capacity

Business Plan

  • Powered by GPT-4

  • 10k MindOS credits per month.

  • Max. 20 Minds

  • Publishable on Marketplace

  • Unlimited knowledge capacity

Enterprise Plan

For large-scale business requirements, consider our custom Enterprise plan. For tailored solutions and needs, please contact us at

Manage Your Subscription

You can manage your subscription details under the [Subscription] section of your account. Scroll down to the [Billing] section and click [Manage Billing] to make adjustments.

Track Your MindOS Usage

Keep track of your usage details, including remaining credits for the month, to effectively manage your resources and avoid unexpected exhaustion of credits.

Last updated